

Here we would like to share the news from the laboratory world. You will regularly find new information on regulatory topics, including additions to our product range or background knowledge on analytical topics.

Asparagine content of coffee controls acrylamide formation

Acrylamide is a process contaminant that is undesirable in food. In our laboratory we offer reliable and efficient methods for the analysis of acrylamide and asparagine based on the LC-MS/MS technique.
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Interlaboratory tests passed successfully

In 2022, we passed a total of three round robin tests for acrylamide in roasted coffee and soluble coffee with above-average z-scores.
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New limit values for ochratoxin A

Since 01.01.2023 new limits apply for coffee beans and cocoa. We can send you the results of your samples within 24 hours.
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Positive findings 2-Phenylphenol

The fungicide has already been detected frequently in roasted coffee beans. Here's what to do if your roasted coffee shows traces.
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