
Interlaboratory tests passed successfully

As specialists for the analysis of acrylamide in coffee, we consistently provide our customers with high analytical quality. This is also confirmed by the results from the proficiency tests in which we regularly participate successfully. For acrylamide, a proficiency test is considered as passed if the z-score (i.e. the deviation from the specified target value) is between -2.0 and +2.0. In the year 2022, we passed a total of three interlaboratory comparisons for acrylamide in roasted coffee and soluble coffee with above-average z-scores (roasted coffee: -0.1 and -0.4; soluble coffee: -0.3).

A guarantor for these above-average results is the consistent application of the analysis procedure according to DIN EN ISO 18862, which was specially developed for all coffee matrices. This rather complex procedure is the only standard procedure that has also been successfully validated for soluble coffee.

We thus offer you reliable and fast analysis for acrylamide in various coffee products. We will be happy to advise you.

  • More information

    Ms Tatjana Geneberg
    +49 421 64905 1800
